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All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.

- 2 Timothy 3:16 


More and more, as people experience economic challenges, we are seeing people turning to the Word of God for financial guidance. Many people, even those who refer to themselves as Believers, would be surprised to learn how comprehensively Christian scripture deals with matters of money and finances.  Guidance on savings, spending, debt, borrowing, giving, co-signing, work, profit, poverty, wealth, etc. have been included as biblical teachings in order that we would be enlightened and have instruction in economic prudence and wise practices.    


Yet, even beyond its specific focus on financial matters, scripture provides empowering solutions for addressing the many life issues that are inseparably intertwined with our finances. Both directly and indirectly, the Bible highlights issues that are reflected in our financial behaviors.  Scripture makes inferences that expose human nature.  Its teachings can engage us so that we’re able to relate to its wisdom by looking at our own lives and circumstances. It brings relevant context to areas that contribute to financial problems, which we may not always see unless we’re focusing in on the right things.     


Seeing changed economic outcomes can be difficult if we only see from the perspective that we currently have. Change occurs when there is a shift in thinking and a break from thought patterns that block the way to improved actions.  Economic challenges often are the symptom of underlying influences.  Our problems persist as a result of the difficulty in recognizing what's contributing to our challenges and understanding, in a practical way, how to begin to bring about change. For those who look toward the good book for guidance, Strides in Stewardship teachings are part of STRIDES' committed efforts to diverge from one-size-fits-all guidance, introduce diverse strategies that are effective, and to become a catalyst for change for achieving improved economic outcomes.   

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