Strides in Stewardship
Our Strides in Stewardship tagged resources are rich in scriptural content.They reveal insights that unlock principles of Christian scripture to help create new ways of thinking and improve economic effectiveness. At Strides, we fundamentally believe that practical application of God’s principles brings about the prescribed order of things both in the spiritual and in the natural. Extensively, the Bible is illustrative of life principles that are relevant to money, personal finances, stewardship, economics, and human behavior, along with the operation of spiritual influences — all of which impact personal economic circumstances.
Our material highlights and compares the parallels between conventional economic wisdom and scriptural guidance to demonstrate how God’s Word and created order practically apply to the issues of our financial life and decisions. Insights are conveyed that add to a broader understanding of practical matters that, when considered in the context of scriptural views, helps believers apply guidance that is supported and aligned with biblical principles. We bring content that helps connect the interrelated issues of Faith & Finances and helps people improve practices of effective stewardship and economic oversight that can add authentic enrichment to their lives and the lives of others.
Faith~Financial Literacy Link® Presentations & Workshops
We deliver educational presentations and workshops on various personal finance topics and address their relevance to scriptural application. In offering our signature teachings, Stewardship Focused Life Planning Seminar and the more comprehensive Workshop, we approach Christian stewardship as a practical and economically-prudent matter for life management and planning relating to finances. We look at the broad teachings of scripture and put into clear context the different ways that its illustrations and principles are applicable to specific issues, realities, and influences relating to topics of personal economics and finances. In seeing these practical issues in a new light, different truths are uncovered that enable mindset shifts that can lead to positive personal changes. This perspective-altering teaching brings enlightenment on ways to improve personal success and economic outcomes by adopting a stewardship-focused economic approach, attitude, and action strategy to financial and life decisions.